Thursday, February 12, 2009

One Year til Vancouver 2010...And Natalie Morales Can Ski!

The Today Show and treadmill running go together like peanut butter and jelly, like fries and ketchup, like Desmond and Penny on Lost. No, I do not work for NBC. I'm just a wee bit obsessed with what Matt, Meredith and the gang will serve up as I trot through my a.m. workouts in the comfort of the wind-free, temperate gym (ahh, Chicago in February). It helps the time pass.

But I digress, this morning the star of the show was Natalie Morales. She did a segment from Vancouver, which will host the 2010 Winter Olympics. The games officially begin in exactly 365 days, so this was a teaser to get folks excited about the sites and sports we'll see in year. Natalie started her segment by skiing down to the camera person while introducing the city and games. Okay, it's hard to tell how difficult that terrain was (something tells me it was a bunny slope, not a black diamond), but that was pretty impressive: Talk, ski, look good...all on live national TV. Other clips showed her on another slope and also learning how to snowboard. I've known Natalie was athletic since I read her I'm a Runner–interview in Runner's World (the girl is speedy...she has a 3:31:05 marathon PR!), and I thought it was cool that Today showcased her skiing skills. Anyway, yay for the upcoming 2010 Olympics, nice job Natalie, and I would love to borrow your sweet Oakley goggles when I'm skiing in Durango this weekend. Photo grabbed from Natalie's blog at Posted by Liz

1 comment:

  1. I saw this too! And so crazy that the Winter Games will be here in a year!



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