Friday, February 6, 2009

Michael Phelps: Apology Not Always Accepted

Oops. Sometimes sorry doesn't cut it. Looks like Michael Phelps' apology may have worked for some, but others are not forgiving the photo that caught him using a bong.

At the beginning of the week the news on Phelps was that he would
still be sponsored by Speedo and Omega, and that he was truly sorry for his action. My, how the tables have turned. First it was the report about the sheriff in South Carolina--where the photo was snapped--could fine Phelps for his illegal action. Now today the news on Phelps escalates to another level. On Thursday, he's dropped by Kellogg as a sponsor and fined by USA Swimming.

Good-bye Corn Flakes box. Adios Frosted Flakes. Kellogg announced that it will not renew its sponsorship with the Beijing golden boy when his deal expires at the end of the month. According to the report at, a statement from Kellogg said that Phelps' behavior didn't fit the image that Kellogg was trying to project.

But the true reprimand came from USA Swimming when they suspended Phelps for three months of competition. He's barred from competition until early May and the organization pulled the plug on his monthly stipend. He received roughly $1,750 per month to train in the pool. USA Swimming said that they took such a stand because so many kids look up to him as a role model. And of course, how can you be a hero and role model when you're breaking the law?

Even though Phelps already said he was sorry for what he did, now he has to regain the trust of swimmers, the American public and possible sponsors. Maybe it's a good thing that he's spending less time in the pool--oh wait, that got him in trouble in the first place. Photo grabbed from tcostart at Flickr. Posted by Kate

Check out some of these news sources for additional information:


  1. Bright side: At least it wasn't steroids!

  2. So true!
    And thanks for commenting, I've been meaning to email you forever and am so sorry to be MIA.



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