Saturday, April 11, 2009

9 Days to Boston Marathon: Flickr Pics from the Crowd

In writing the various posts related to the Boston Marathon, I've been amazed at the number of photos referencing this famous marathon. Many are from the past two years, but for this runner who stopped running with a camera after her marathon (too many jiggly photos I couldn't decipher) I was loving the memories and moments I couldn't see from my back-of-the-pack spot on the course.

So if you're into browsing through photos, here are a few favorites that I uncovered on Flickr. And thanks to all of those who use the service and have their pictures available to download, this entry couldn't be done without them.

Banners around town. Grabbed from Paul Keleher.

Wheelchair racer. Grabbed from Paul Keleher.

Running with a piece of Fenway, the Pesky Pole. Funny, I remember him on the course when I ran in 2007. Grabbed from Eliza Nardone.

Go, cheer! Grabbed from Financial Aid Podcast.

If I could, I'd steal one of these Marathon Monday signs. Grabbed from piqatiluga

Running through Newton and about to hit the hills. Grabbed from Paul Keleher.

Oh, Heartbreak Hill, you're killing me! Grabbed from Richard.Dale.

Gotta love spectators, especially when they hand out water. Grabbed from redjar.

Mass of runners after crossing the finish line. Grabbed from kenzickler.

The finish line, in case your eyes were focused on the clock as you finished.
Grabbed from 360PublicRelations.

Photos grabbed from various users at flickr. Posted by Kate

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