I will spare you the gory details; suffice to say, I completed only 17 miles, it took me almost three hours (yeah, ouch), and (sniff!), I had to ditch my trusty water bottle just south of the Oak Street beach (in that little park between the beach and Navy Pier). Despite jostling up and down in my hand for more than 8 miles, the water inside had frozen solid! And at that point, my hands had become so numb that I couldn't imagine carrying the cold rock of a water bottle back down the path. It was a casualty of a run. It was a sad moment, probably even sadder than it should've been due to the fact that I was exhausted, frozen, and in desperate need of some calories (no water = no way to eat those gels). It was aerodynamic. It had a soft mesh casing that slipped around my fingers. And it had a little zipper compartment where I could fold in some cash for an emergency. I like to think another runner jogged by it enough times that he finally decided the bottle had been forsaken--and then picked him up, washed him off and gave him a happy home. Although that the run is now just a memory, I still miss my bottle. Got any running gear you can't bear to part with? Posted by Liz
I have donated a mitten and a neck gator to that same running path, just further south. Have you replaced the water bottle yet? I absolutely swear by my Amphipod bottle - it kind of grabs onto my hand so I don't actually have to grip it at all, and has a pocket that expands much more than it looks like (I can squeeze my keys, my iPhone and a few cards in there).
I hope your mitten and neck gator found happy homes. :)
ReplyDeleteNice, thanks for the tip on the water bottle: I'm ordering this up!