Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Fit Friends

Yesterday, I forgot to wish two people happy birthday. Oops. So rather than do that again, I'm not going to wait until the actual day of this birthday. It's always an easy one for me to remember too, I think because my wedding anniversary is on the day of their first post back on May 19, 2008. And lucky for me, the Fit Bottomed Girls don't want me to either--they've been hinting at their birthday celebration since last week, if not earlier, and started celebrating on Monday.

What that means is a week of best-of's and giveaways from the Fit Bottomed Girls of all things fitness related. So far they've had an impromptu workout DVD giveaway, two workout outfits from ALO, and other workout DVDs--and that was Monday and only part of Tuesday. Now the latest is they're offering up what they deem the perfect gym bag--and three can win. See? I told you it was good--if you have a lucky strike in you, that is (I never win anything, I swear)--and it's only supposed to get better during the week with even more giveaways.

The reason I'm getting excited about this birthday is not entirely because the FBGs are turning three--which is pretty darn cool--or that they have all of these options to at-random win something. Nor is it because I've had the privilege of meeting three of the FBGs--Erin, Jenn and Tish--at two Nike events and a Luna Chix summit. Privilege, I say, because they were nice enough to talk to me, even after they learned that I run marathons on a regular basis, did an Ironman a month before (and then had finished two when I saw Tish last October), and probably knew too many random facts about female Winter Olympic athletes (yes, the skier in me came out in Vancouver). And that I squeezed in a run before we were supposed to catch the bus to dinner--in my defense, I had a marathon to run a few days later, which I PR'd.

The answer to my excitement is that in celebrating their triumph, I feel like I have a little victory of my own. Excuse the sentimentality, but Liz and I probably never would have started Fit-Ink if we hadn't met the Fit Bottomed Girls because they proved to us, or me anyway, that this dream could become a reality. Even though they do share one word--fit--the sites certainly aren't the same, but that's a good thing. I love the Fit Bottomed Girls content because it always brings me back to Earth from my crazy endurance bubble--I'd rather read first-timer triathlon stories or conquests of the road bike before the sad state of my Facebook feed with its training ruminations.

But, I digress. Happy Birthday to the Fit Bottomed Girls and to many more! Off to read the Fitties.

Photo grabbed from synx508 at flickr.

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