Friday, April 22, 2011

From Boston to Colorado, With Love

It doesn't get much better than this. Spring skiing in late April, with fresh snow blanketing the mountain. I've had quite the week, running then walking the Boston Marathon on Monday, hobbling around on Tuesday and Wednesday wondering what activities I might actually be able to do, catching a flight to Colorado on Thursday to spend Easter Weekend skiing at Vail, waking up Friday morning to nine inches of snow. I repeat, it doesn't get much better than this, unless I had pictures to prove it. But that's what the afternoon is for...I'm about to grab my ski gear and go explore. Normally I wouldn't be broadcasting that today is my birthday, but gosh darn it, I want my Epic pin for skiing on my birthday--and maybe even an Earth Day one. I'll take that powder too, I don't think I was blessed with this much snow when I was here in March. Before I can post pictures, check these out fresh from Vail's Facebook page. If you're a skier, you'll wish you were here, too.

How are you staying active on Earth Day?

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