Whether or not Chicago runners got in the running mood thanks to that break in winter temperatures a few days ago, they came out to run the race regardless of conditions. It was a record-breaking day for the race, which saw more than 25,000 runners cross the finish line out of a registered 36,000 participants. In 2009, the Shamrock Shuffle only had 13,714 finishers, with many (including myself) opting to bail when the weather soured. Unfortunately for me, I can't say I was one of the 25,561 finishers in a race that usually kicks off my running season...the calendar made for two area favorites to have the same race start and I was out in Cary, Ill., at the March Madness Half Marathon instead (check for a race report soon). Had I realized the events had the same date when I signed up, I may have selected the Shamrock 8K over the 13.1 miles, but that's another story--and kinda makes me sound like a running wimp.
But cold weather was not stopping the runners this morning who dealt with the 35-degree weather like it was another wintry training day and weren't phased by the typical-to-Chicago winds. They came out in full force on the streets of Chicago and turned in some fast times.
John Kemboi of Kenya crossed the finish line first in 23:39, while Tera Moody finished first for the women in 27:21. This was Kemboi's first race in the U.S., while Moody--who grew up in St. Charles and now lives and trains in Colorado Springs--returned atop the podium after winning the 2007 in 27:09. Rounding out the top five for the men were Matt Hooley (Madison, Wis.) in 23:44, Tyler Sigl (Seymour, Wis.) in 23:46, Kaleb Vanort (Mishawaka, Ind.) in 23:50, and Ryan Bak (St. Louis, Mo.) in 23:55. For the women, the top five included Erin Moeller (Mt. Vernon, Ind.) in 27:51, Sara Slattery (Phoenix, Ariz.) in 28:00, Claudia Becque (Chicago, Ill.) in 28:10, and Jenna Mitchler (Appleton, Wis.) in 28:20.
For more results and to see how you or a friend fare, click here to search the results. Or check out some photos from the day at flickr. Photo grabbed from francemalate at flickr.com. Posted by Kate
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