Monday, February 3, 2014

Core Power Fit-Kit Giveaway

Sometimes we need a little help with our New Year's resolutions. Take me: the girl who said she'd add more to Fit-Ink in 2014 (sorry about 2013 being so void of content). It's already February and I'm no where near my content goals--and this post, which I had wanted to share more than two weeks ago, is finally going live now. There's the proof that we can all have slip-ups whether they occur in a productivity goal, a weight loss resolution or a fitness plan. According to, almost half of us have infrequent success in achieving our New Year's resolutions. Not good if those goals are to lose weight or stay fit and healthy, two resolutions that crack the top 10.

If your New Year's resolution is a fit one, Core Power, the real-milk based sports recovery drink that was recently named the "Official Protein Drink of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games," wants to help keep you on track. They assembled a Fit-Kit full of tools you can use before, during and after your workouts. We're talking a gym bag, a yoga mat, a stability ball, a workout towel, a spill-proof water bottle, and plenty of Core Power to recharge the body after exercise. What's even better is that we're giving away one of these Fit-Kits courtesy of Core Power!

We're huge fans of Core Power and its line-up of products (and no, they didn't tell us to write this). Vanilla and chocolate light are personal favorites on the flavor side. Plus we love that all the protein in a bottle of Core Power comes from fresh milk, and Core Power also contains the electrolytes you'd find in milk like potassium, calcium, chloride and sodium. No chalky texture either. Considering we're outside skiing most of the winter and running, cycling and swimming all summer, we need those electrolytes to keep our systems from bonking. For more on Core Power, you can follow them on twitter and facebook or look for them at a race near you (we were first introduced at the Chicago Triathlon).

Now back to the's freezing, it's February and we've got fitness on the brain so we're giving away one of these Core Power Fit-Kits.

The Core Power Fit-Kit...nice, right?
How to Enter: Leave a comment below before Feb. 10, 2014, and we'll enter you into the giveaway.

How to Gain Additional Entries:
(If you already follow us on these channels, just tell us in your comment)
  1. Like Fit-Ink on Facebook.
  2. Follow Fit-Ink on Twitter.
  3. Follow us on Pinterest.
Entries will be accepted until Monday, Feb. 10, 2014 at midnight PST, and we'll draw the name Tuesday, Feb. 11. The Fit-Kit is provided by our friends at Core Power.

Now who wants some fit tools to power through a workout and Core Power to drink afterward?


  1. I'm always looking for a good post-run recovery drink/bar, I think I was handed a Core Power drink after a race, tried the Vanilla and it was very good. Need to check out the Chocolate sometime!

    1. Thanks for entering the giveaway Lindsey! Core Power is great for post-run/post-workout, or at least it's a favorite of mine especially after I've been skiing all day. --kate

  2. Looking for a new way to get in shape

  3. Would like to try out the protein shakes

    1. Thanks for entering, Mary! And thanks for following on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest! --kate

  4. Liked on Facebook FB: Agbeke Ali

  5. Followed on twitter @naturaltwists

  6. Followed on instagram @brian urueta and followed on Facebook brian urueta

    1. Thanks for entering, Brian! Thanks for liking Fit-Ink on Facebook. Unfortunately Instagram is not one of the social media channels we're using so you can gain extra entries in this giveaway. But you can follow us at Pinterest ( or Twitter ( --kate

    2. Followed you on twitter @x66xbrian97

  7. I'd love to win this prize! Thanks for the chance.

    1. You're most welcome for the chance! Thanks for entering and following us through the various social media channels! --Kate

  8. I follow you on twitter

  9. I follow you on Pinterest.

  10. ..meant to post my e-mail: cladfamily101 at aol dot com

    1. Thanks so much for entering Danielle! Quick question: what is your twitter handle? I didn't see you as a new follower when I looked. Thanks! --kate

    2. @huggingitout is my name on twitter

  11. I love CPY! I've been going there for about 5 years after recovering from a back injury and they healed me for good! I've been sharing the gift of CPY with everyone ever since. Thanks for all the good times!

    1. I also follow fit-ink on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!!

    2. Thanks Kristin! Love that you follow in so many places! Please keep in mind that Core Power is a milk-based protein drink, not to be confused with Core Power Yoga :)

  12. I love core power! It does not taste chalky at all. Awesome giveaway!

  13. I follow you guys on facebook and twitter!

    1. Thanks for entering, Traminator! I'm with you on the taste of Core's yummy in my book! Thanks for following on Facebook and Twitter! --kate

  14. Wow everyone! Thank you all for the comments and following Fit-Ink on various social media channels! There are still a few more days to enter so hang tight :) --Kate

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks Lindsey! Found you on both spots :) --kate

  16. I've heard about Core Power for a while now and I'm interested in learning more!

    1. Hi Poppy! Thanks for entering! Core Power is yummy! I've tried it at a few race expos and keep going back for more. I like the flavor more than milk and love that it packs in protein. I'm really bad about replenishing my system with protein after a run so this helps. --kate

  17. I'm looking forward to getting back to intense training, after the last few years of pregnancy and breastfeeding, and have no idea of the go-to products out there, right now. Excited to try it!

  18. What a great giveaway--it has it all! PS I follow you via facebook.
    Lisa Harris

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